Dr. Birgit Sperlich

Research Associate
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Judenbühlweg 11
97082 Würzburg
Telefon: (+49) 0931 31-80527
Fax: (+49) 0931 31-87390
E-Mail: birgit.sperlich@uni-wuerzburg.de
Research Interests
- Physical Behaviour, Health, and Environment
- Prevalence and identification of social-ecological determinants of physical behavior
- Planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions that use behavioral or environmental changes to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary time
- Promoting physical activity and health using a settings-based approach
Bachelors Degree Programme (Language: German)
- Service Learning 3 - health promotion through sports [Gesundheitssport] (3rd semester)
- Service Learning 4 - Training concepts [Trainingskonzepte] (4th semester)
- Health and Movement Education on Context 2 and Presenting and Organizing Fitness Programs [Gesundheit und Bewegungspädagogik im Kontext 2; Inszenierung von Fitnessangeboten] (6th Semester)
- Masters Degree Programme (Language: English)
- Intervention & Implementation Project - Healt (3rd Semester)
- Individual lectures on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, health models and health interventions
Other Duties
- Erasmus Coordinator of the Institute of Sport Science
- Diversity Officer of the Institute of Sports Science
Academic Education
Diplom Sport Science (2000 – 2005)
(Emphasis Sport and Health – Prevention, Therapy and Rehabilitation)
⇒ German Sport University Cologne
PhD in Sport Science (2006-2010)
(Health Effects of Physical Activity in Everyday Life – Structural Analysis and Health Impact of Daily Activity)
⇒ German Sport University Cologne
Post-Doc Research (2012- current) (Physical Behavior in Everyday Contexts – Conceptual Approaches, Prevalence, Influencing Factors, and Intervention Strategies for Physical Activity Promotion) ⇒ German Sport University Cologne ⇒ Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg
- „EUBeKo – Entscheidungs- und Umsetzungsprozesse verhältnisorientierter Bewegungsförderung in der Kommune für mehr Chancengerechtigkeit systematisch planen und implementieren“
- Entwicklung und Testung einer variabel einsetzbaren Audit-Toolbox zur zielgruppen- und settingspezifischen Erfassung bewegungsförderlicher Verhältnisse in der Kommune.
- Representative survey on health behavior in Germany with a focus on physical behaviour (trend survey since 2010)