English Intern
  • Titelbild Institut für Sportwissenschaft
  • Titelbild Institut für Sportwissenschaft
  • Titelbild Institut für Sportwissenschaft
Institut für Sportwissenschaft

Integrative & Experimental Exercise Science & Training (INTEX)

Empowering human potential through smart, sustainable, and diverse Exercise Science & Training for all

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Billy Sperlich

  • Head of Research Group (INTEX)
  • Dean of Studies
  • Equal Opportunity Officer

PD Dr. Florian Engel


Dr. Birgit Sperlich

  • Research Associate
  • Research Field: Physical Behaviour, Health and Environment
  • Erasmus Coordinator of the Institute of Sports Science
  • Diverstiy Officer of the Institute of Sports Science

Benedikt Meixner


Philipp Kunz


Mascha Lenk, B.A.


Wagner de Matos Ribeiro, B.Sc.

  • Laboratory assistent, Data analysis
  • Currently enrolled in the M.Sc. Exercise Science & Training
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • From Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • University of B.Sc. Studies: Federal University of Minas Gerais
    • Topic of B.Sc. Thesis: Predictive Equations for Cross-Sectional Area of the Triceps Brachii

Laura Kummert

  • Research/Student Assistent
  • Current project: Representative survey on health behavior in Germany, with a focus on physical behavior (trend survey since 2010)
  • Currently enrolled in the BA Sports Science and Extracurricular Special Needs Education, First State Examination for Teachers in Special Needs Education & BA Special Needs Education
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • ResearchGate Profile

Dr. Manuel Matzka (CSCS)


Former Position at INTEX 

  • Post-Doc Researcher (Neuromuscular Research, Strength & Conditioning)
  • Research Associate
  • Laboratory administration


  • Bachelors Degree Programme (Language: German)
    • Service Learning 1 - Movement, Technology, Measuring, Analyzin [Bewegung, Technik, Messen, Analysieren] (1st Semester)
    • Service Learning 4 - Training concepts [Trainingskonzepte] (4th Semester)
  • Masters Degree Programme (Language: English)
    • Intervention & Implementation Projcect - Performance (4th Semester)
    • Individual lectures on neuromuscular training related topics


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter Düking

Former Position at INTEX: Head of group "Data Informed Training Process (DaTraPro)"; Scientific assistant 

New Position: Jun.-Professor at Technical University of Braunschweig│Exercise Science & Training

Lukas Lauber

Laboratory assistant, Data analysis

Alessia Maus

Laboratory assistant, Data analysis

Jana Lindner

Laboratory assistant, Data analysis

Leonie Seidel

Laboratory assistant

Benedikt Bröhl

Laboratory assistant


Further Links

adult, all-out, athlete, athletics, biomechanics, blood lactate, brain, cardio-respiratory, children, clothing, compression, core, cortisol, cycling, downhill, eBike, economy, electrically assistance, endurance, exercise, fabric, garment, GPS, heart rate, high-intensity, hiking, hormonal, humidity, hyperoxia, hypoxia, junior, marathon, metabolic, micro-environment, mountain bike, muscle, Near-infrared-spectroscopy, neuronal, NIRS, oxygen uptake, perception, performance, physiology, plasma, power, recovery, respiratory exchange data, respiratory muscles, running, saliva, serum, skiing, soccer, socks, sprint, strength, submaximal, swimming, table tennis, temperature, thermoregulation, threshold, tights, training, T-shirt, ventilation, vibration aerob, anaerob, Athleten, Ausdauer, Bekleidung, Belastung, Biomechanik, Elektrofahrrad, Empfinden, Erholung, Faser, Förderung, Fußball, Gehirn, Herzfrequenz, hoch-intensiv, Hormone, Jugendliche, kardio-respiratorisch, Kinder, Kompression, Kraft, Laktat, Laufen, Leistung, Luftfeuchtigkeit, metabolisch, Muskel, Nachwuchs, Physiologie, Plasma, Psyche, Radsport, Sauerstoffaufnahme, Schnellkraft, Schwimmen, Socken, Stress, Strümpfe, Talent, Temperatur, Tischtennis, Wandern